(From the National Center for Science Education’s Weekly Evolution Update) Over the Labor Day weekend, NCSE’s YouTube channel achieved a landmark: its millionth view. Debuting in February 2009, NCSE’s Youtube channel now contains over 220 videos, including presentations by and interviews of members of NCSE’s staff, testimony before the Texas state board of education, footage from NCSE’s regular trip down the Grand Canyon, the videos specially commissioned for Expelled Exposed, excerpts from news programs, and even the odd debate. And the videos are clearly appreciated: “Thanks for taking the time to upload all these fantastic videos,” commented one viewer. “It renews my faith in humanity watching the work you folks do.” Over ten thousand people currently subscribe to the channel.

Recent additions to NCSE’s YouTube channel include NCSE’s Steven Newton’s 2011 presentation “Teaching evolution in a climate of science denial” (in three parts), footage from the Texas state board of education’s hearing on supplementary material for science classes (including testimony from NCSE’s Joshua Rosenau, Texas Citizens for Science’s Steven Schafersman, and the Texas Freedom Network’s Kathy Miller), NCSE’s Eugenie C. Scott and Alan Gishlick discussing flood geology in the Grand Canyon in 2011, and Eugenie C. Scott speaking on “Creationism, Evolution, Education—and Politics” to the Greater Phoenix Chapter of Americans United for Separation of Church and State in 2011. Tune in and enjoy!

For NCSE’s YouTube channel, visit:

Don’t forget to visit NCSE’s website——where you can always find the latest news on evolution education and threats to it.

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