TiffanyGram – 6/24/14


Update on new Oklahoma Academic Standards for Science:

The new Oklahoma Academic Standards for Science were signed into rule by Governor Fallin June, 19th 2014. I apologize for the delay in sending out the listserv message, but I was boarding a plane when I received the text and connecting to the listserv from my location has been difficult.

I would like to thank everyone who participated in the revision process. Thank you to the Writing Team members who took time away from their students and families to meet in person to share their expertise. Thank you to the Draft Team members who spent countless hours reviewing and providing extensive feedback to the Writing Team members. Thank you to those who participated in a Focus Group last fall and to every person who took the time to provide feedback through the public comment period. Your efforts were much appreciated as we worked very hard to develop a set of expectations for what students should know and be able to do in K-12 science education.

I’d also like to thank the Oklahoma Science Teacher’s Association (OSTA) and the Oklahomans for Excellence in Science Education (OESE) for their overwhelming support for the Oklahoma Academic Standards for Science and the process utilized in their development.

Finally, I’d like to thank the members of the Executive Team, Dr. Paul Risser (University of Oklahoma), Dr. Julie Angle (Oklahoma State University), Missy Dominy (Pioneer Career Technology Center) and Sarah Vann (Owasso Public Schools) for their nearly two years of service to this process. Their guidance and insight were critical to this process that led to over 500 Oklahomans having input into the Oklahoma Academic Standards for Science.

With the signing of the new Oklahoma Academic Standards for Science into rule, many districts and teachers will embark on exploring the standards this summer and determine how they will begin to transition. Please keep in mind; we are transitioning over a three-year period as the assessments for 5th grade, 8th grade and Biology 1 will continue to be aligned to PASS (2011) standards until 2016-2017.

There are currently several support structures being developed to assist districts and teachers with the transition to the new Oklahoma Academic Standards for Science.

(1) Transition Recommendation Plan:

A committee of representatives from K-12 education, higher education, career technology, and business and industry have begun developing a Recommendation Transition Plan that will serve to support teachers and districts in decisions regarding transitioning from PASS 2011 to the new Oklahoma Academic Standards for Science. This information will be made available to districts on or before the Vision 2020 Conference this summer.

(2) PD on Your Plan Modules:

We are currently working with a group of science educators to develop a series of PD on Your Plan Modules that are intended to support districts and teachers with better understanding the new Oklahoma Academic Standards for Science and better understanding how to thing about utilizing existing curriculum to meet the intent of the standards. Remember PD on Your Plan modules are designed for educators to utilize independently or to utilize with a Professional Learning Community of other educators. Look for PD on Your Plan modules to be posted on the #OKSci Facebook page and the science listerv soon!

(3) Vision 2020 Conference: Science and STEM sessions July 15th and 16th

The Vision 2020 Conference is a great opportunity to gain insight into the new science standards and explore effective instructional practices for science education. This year’s conference will include presentations on:

  •   Transitioning to the new Oklahoma Academic Standards for Science
  •   Integrating the 3 Dimensions of the new Oklahoma Academic Standards for Science into classroom instruction.
  •   Integrating the new Engineering Practices into classroom instruction
  •   Integrating Literacy in Science
  •   Exploring the progressions in learning embedded in the Oklahoma Academic Standards for Science
  •   STEM Integration

What can you expect from the science/STEM presentations at Vision 2020?

  •   The sessions will include model lessons that align to the new Oklahoma Academic Standards for Science;
  •   The sessions will provide opportunities to participate in active learning experiences with peers;
  •   The sessions will explore classroom assessment strategies.

Special Science Education Workshops July 15th and 16th at Vision 2020

We are excited to announce, the 3 Dimensions of Science Education Workshops, presented by Sam Saw, the Director of Science Education at the South Dakota State Department of Education. Mr. Shaw has been working with science educators in South Dakota for two years to implement the Disciplinary Core Ideas, 8 Science and Engineering Practices, and Cross Cutting Concepts recommended in A Frameworks for K-12 Science Education and integrated into the new Oklahoma Academic Standards for Science, into their classroom instruction. Mr. Shaw will share simple strategies and lesson ideas for grades K-12 in the two-day workshop. The July 15th and 16th workshops are designed to build on one another but attendance at both are not required.

These sessions will begin at 1:30 and end at 4:15 on the 15th and 16th. It would be perfect for a team of teachers from a school to attend so they can collaborate and then extend conversations back at their home schools!

Remember, the Vision 2020 Conference is Free to educators so sign-up today!

Textbook Adoption:

The State Textbook Committee is moving forward with science textbook adoption this year. The committee will meet through the summer and fall to determine which texts align to the Oklahoma Academic Standards for Science. A list will be produced in the fall with all the texts determined to be adequately aligned to the Oklahoma Academic Standards for Science, by the State Textbook Committee. The textbook caravans will begin in the spring of 2015 and the monies for textbook adoption for science will be released to districts July 1, 2015. If any of the information above changes, I will convey as soon as possible.

OKSci Network:

Through the efforts of numerous OKSci educators we have grown an OKSci network to include:

  •   An OKSci Facebook page with nearly 800 members
  •   An OKSci Biology Facebook page
  •   An OKSci Science Department Chair Consortium (please e-mail me if you are interested in participating in this group).
  •   An OKSci Informal Science Educators Consortium
  •   A successful OKSci Leadership Program
  •   An OKSci Higher Education Consortium
  •   OKSci Tulsa Curriculum Coordinators Consortium (building off of the successful OKC Metro Science Curriculum Coordinators Consortium

These networks will provide opportunities for Oklahoma educators to learn and grow professionally in the coming year and to work collaboratively to better understand the new Oklahoma Academic Standards for Science.

There are numerous other groups forming soon that will be led by science educators in our state that will serve as professional learning groups for the needs of OKSci educators. If you see a need for a professional learning group around science education that you would like to participate in our start, please contact me, I’d be happy to assist in whatever way I can.

If you are interested in staying connected to Summer Professional Development opportunities or resources developed this summer sign-up for the science listserv with an e-mail you can access this summer or join the OKSci Facebook page.


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Accessing Archived Science Messages:
You can access Archived Science Messages I’ve sent out since March via the Oklahoma Science Teachers Association (OSTA) website. Scroll down to see previous posts.
Science Listserv:
Please encourage others to register for the science listserv and pass along the following registration link:
Register for Science Listserv
As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have!
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