An Opportunity to Help OU’s Upcoming “Galileo’s World” Exhibition

Planning for the University of Oklahoma’s Galileo’s World exhibition is moving along as we prepare for its opening in August 2015.  The History of Science Collections is now undergoing extensive renovation, and collaborations across campus are well underway.

Now we are at a point where we need the input and help of educators!  So we’ve created a new blog and listserv to foster discussion.  The blog at will contain frequent announcements of ways that anyone may participate and get involved.  It also contains information for joining the listserv, where more extended discussions will take place.

Kerry V. Magruder
Curator, History of Science Collections
The John H. and Drusa B. Cable Chair
University of Oklahoma Libraries
401 W. Brooks, BL 521
Norman, OK  73019
Voice 405/325-2741
Fax 405/325-7550
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