Mini-Medical School

Do you have students interested in a career in medicine or research! Do they want to see what it is like to be in medical school for a night?

The Oklahoma Center for Neuroscience has just the program for them: Register NOW for  Mini-Medical  School  sponsored by the  Oklahoma Center for Neuroscience. Only $35 dollars! Group discounts are available!

Mini-Medical School will be on Tuesday, November 11, 5:30pm, on the OU Health Sciences Center campus. The link for the registration is and click on Mini-Medical  School or you can obtain more information and a mail-in registration form HERE .

Students will literally sit in the seat of a medical student for the night being challenged to expand their knowledge of the brain. The class will combine basic science (anatomy and physiology) and clinical situations to gain a better understanding of the brain’s function from a doctor’s point of view. Experiences include hands-on instruction at “brain workstations”, use of a syllabus, taking a quiz, and receipt of a certificate of achievement.

Theresa Rush of the Oklahoma Center for Neuroscience is organizing the reservations – please call her at 405.271.6267 or  e-mail her HERE.

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