NSTA Sponsored Competitions and Grants

1. Last week NSTA partnered with the Siemens Foundation and Discovery Communications for an exciting new competition for middle school students and teachers. 

Middle school students across the United States are being encouraged to “go green” and team up for the Siemens We Can Change the World Challenge, the first and only national K–12 sustainability education initiative aligned to education standards and uniquely tailored to match students’ growing comprehension abilities throughout their school-aged years.

Student teams of two to three students from sixth through eighth grade, under the mentorship of a teacher or adult supervisor, can register for the Siemens We Can Change the World Challenge at www.wecanchange.com. Participating teams will identify an environmental issue in their community, research the issue using scientific investigation, and create a replicable green solution using web-based curriculum tools powered by Discovery Education.

All student teams entering the Middle School Challenge will receive prizes for their participation and top-performing teams, as judged by a panel of environmental experts and science educators, will earn cash, teacher education materials, and unique Discovery Experience trips.

2. The Toshiba/NSTA ExploraVision Awards program, one of the world’s largest K –12 science and technology competitions, is now accepting entries for its 2009 competition. ExploraVision, sponsored by Toshiba and administered by NSTA, challenges teams of two to four students in the United States and Canada to research scientific principles and current technologies as the basis for designing innovative technologies that could exist in 20 years. A popular learning and motivational tool, many teachers use it as part of their science and technology curriculum.

 Up to $240,000 in savings bonds will be awarded this year to student winners whose innovative ideas combine imagination with the tools of science. Toshiba laptop computers for schools and other prizes for students, teachers, and mentors will also be presented. Up to 32 winning students, their families, teachers and mentors will also receive a 5-day expenses paid trip to Washington, DC for a gala awards event. The deadline for the 2009 competition is January 28, 2009. For more information or an application for 2009, visit www.cags.exploravision.org  or e-mail exploravision@nsta.org.

 3. The Toyota TAPESTRY Grants for Science Teachers program offers grants to K–12 science teachers for innovative projects that enhance science education in the school and/or school district. This year 50 large grants, and a minimum of 20 mini-grants, totaling $550,000 in all, will be awarded. The categories are Physical Science Application, Environmental Science Education, and Integrating Literacy and Science.  

The program is open to middle and high school science teachers residing within the 50 United States and U.S. territories and possessions and it is also open to elementary teachers who teach some science in the classroom or are teaching specialists.

To apply for funding, qualified teachers must write a Toyota TAPESTRY proposal according to the proposal requirements. The deadline for the completion of the online application is 11:59 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Wednesday, January 21, 2009. Recipients of Toyota TAPESTRY grants will be notified by March 4, 2009. Non-recipients will be notified by May 31, 2009.

 To apply, please visit http://www.nsta.org/pd/tapestry

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