Final Note from Our Friend Jana

Dear science friends,

This Friday is my last day as Science Education Director and I just want to let you know how very much I appreciate each and every one of you.  Oklahoma’s science teachers are outstanding and I am so impressed each time I see you in the classroom, in presentations, or in other events around the state.  This is a difficult time in education right now and I know you are concerned with many issues.  Know that your contributions to your students are seen and appreciated so very much!  You are changing young lives every single day and I truly admire you. Stay strong as you continue to give your best to your science students.  My best wishes will be with you!

On a personal note, I realized that I did not tell you what my plans are after this week.  I have accepted a position at the Western Technology Center in Burns Flat to start a new biomedical program.  The students that I work with are serious about a medical career and I am excited to have the opportunity to develop a new program.  My bachelor’s degree is in Medical Technology and I worked in the area hospitals and clinics before I started teaching. The health field is definitely an area that I am passionate about and I hope to share that love of medicine with the students as I work with them.  Also, many of you know that I live in Weatherford and have been driving about 160 miles each day to the SDE.  The Tech Center is only 35 miles from my home, so that will allow me to have more time with my family.  It is very hard to leave this position and the decision was not an easy one.  I will miss the many wonderful friends that I have made over the last 8 years and I do leave with a heavy heart.  I hope I made a difference for you and your students.

Thank you so very much for the wonderful messages that you sent to me.  I have saved every one and will think of you when I read them in the future.  Please stay in touch – my new e-mail address is <>.

I would love to hear from you!

Best wishes,



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