Changing Humans in a Changing Environment




Symposium on Human Evolution to be Webcast Live from NABT Conference in Anaheim on Friday, Oct. 14th, 2011

Are you interested in evolution, but unable to attend this year’s National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT) conference in Anaheim, CA?  Would you and your students like to learn more about the dynamic interplay between the ecological forces that shaped the distinctive traits that make us human, and human actions that are changing the environment around us?  If so, you will be excited to learn that the annual NABT Evolution Symposium will be accessible via a free, live webcast on Friday, October 14th from 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm, Pacific time.

Teachers and students are encouraged to tune in to all or part of the free webcast for an opportunity to hear internationally renowned researchers discuss their fascinating, cutting-edge work in human evolution.  Classrooms all over the world will even be able to submit their questions online and have the speakers respond in real time!

For more information, including speaker names, talk titles and times, please see or contact

To view the live, free webcast, simply go to at 1:30 pm Pacific/4:30 pm Eastern and log in as a guest.  (Note: We suggest you do this in advance to test the connection and make sure you can access the site without problems.  When you log in successfully you’ll see a “Congratulations” message.  If you have problems, please contact

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