Oklahoma Regional Science Bowl

The Oklahoma Association for Academic Competition (OAAC), is proud to sponsor regional qualifying tournaments for both middle and high school students for the U.S. Department of Energy National Science Bowl. 
The winning team from each regional competition is invited to participate in the National competition. The teams representing each regional, both middle and high school, will be eligible to compete in the 2012 National finals, held April 26 – April 30, 2012, at the National 4-H Center in Chevy Chase, Maryland. Qualifying teams received an all-expense paid trip to compete for the national title. In addition to the academic competition, students are given the opportunity to attend presentations by well-known scientists on current topics in math and the sciences.

Both the high school and middle school science bowl events will be held at the University of Oklahoma in Norman.

Entry Fee for the regional science bowl is $30.00 per team. 
Purchase Order/checks should be made payable to OAAC (Oklahoma Association for Academic Competition) and sent to OAAC, PO Drawer B, Carnegie, OK 73015.

Competition Dates: Click on the event titles for HS and MS specific information and links.
Oklahoma Regional Science Bowl – January 28, 2012 at the University of Oklahoma in Norman.
Oklahoma Regional Middle School Science Bowl – January 21, 2012 at the Oklahoma School of Science and Mathematics in Oklahoma City.

Registration for both high school and middle school is through the national site. There are several forms that MUST be completed in order for your team to compete.

Register online:
High School Registration

Middle School Registration

The format and rules for the Regional Science Bowl are different that OAAC format and rules. The Oklahoma Regional Science Bowl will adhere to the rules and format as stated in the National Science Bowl rules.

The Oklahoma Regional Science Bowl will be limited to 32 teams in the high school division and 32 teams in the middle school division. A team is not officially entered until all of the national science bowl forms have been submitted. Schools will be limited to one team per district. If there are fewer than 32 teams on the January 4 deadline date enrollment will be opened for schools to enter a second team on a first come basis. After 32 teams have entered subsequent teams will be placed on a waiting list. 
If significantly more than 32 teams enter the format may be adjusted to allow for greater participation.

For the Oklahoma Regional Science Bowl competition teams will be randomly drawn into four groups of 8 teams for pool play with the top two teams advancing into the 8 team round robin finals.


January 22, 2011 – High School Science Bowl

January 29, 2011 – Middle School Science Bowl

March 11, 2011 – teams must commit to attending the national tournament

April 28 – May 2, 2011 – National Science Bowl

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