OSTA Fall Conference

The OSTA Fall Conference, Science Inside and Out, was held this last week-end (October 25th) and NSU- Broken Arrow. If you haven’t been on the campus, it is new, state of the art, and a great facility for holding a conference like OSTA. As advertised, vendors were there to show their wares and science teachers from across the state were there to share their expertise with their fellow educators during the 24 inservice sessions given Saturday.

Of course, one of the highlights of the Fall Conference is the annual Awards Luncheon. The following people were honored:

Jack Renner Distinguished Service Award: Jana Rowland, OK State Department Science Director
OSTA High School Science Teacher of the Year: Eileen Grzybowski, Norman North High School
OSTA College Science Teacher of the Year: Dr. Karen A. High, Oklahoma State University
OSTA Informal Science Educator Award: Susie Shields, OK Department of Environmental Quality

So, if you didn’t make it to the conference, you missed a good one. This the second OSTA staff development conference presented in the last 3 months. Watch this space, there are more on their way!
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