Announcing the PBLU Schoolyard Habitat Project!


The PBLU Schoolyard Habitat Project is a collaboration between the Buck Institute for Education, the Pacific Education Institute and the National Environmental Education Foundation. In the Schoolyard Habitat Project students become engaged learners as they research, design and implement a plan to enhance their school campus by creating wildlife habitat, planting native plants or even removing weeds and invasive plants from the school grounds. Elementary teachers are encouraged to participate in either the summer or fall courses. A Schoolyard Habitat Project for secondary teachers will be available in time for the fall course dates.


Sign up today to take a free series of online classes designed to walk you through the PBL essentials. Learn how to apply PBL to a capstone project and engage your students in practicing math and language arts skills while enhancing the wildlife habitat of their school campus through low or no cost strategies!

For details and to register go to:

Classroom Earth’s mission is to increase the ability of K-12 teachers to integrate environmental education into curricula so that students are prepared to be a part of environmental solutions.

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