Sam Rhine Genetic Update Conference Returns to Oklahoma







Sam Rhine has crossed the country for 30+ years presenting the latest genetic information for high school students and their teachers.  He has also spoken to audiences in Toronto, Montreal, Tokyo, Vienna, Prague, St. Petersburg, Russia, and Nairobi, Kenya.

Sam returns to Oklahoma on Thursday, November 14th at Putnam City High School, 5300 NW 50th, Oklahoma City.  (map)

The student participants at these conferences generally come from Biology and A.P. Biology classes, but many students who have completed their Life Science classes also attend.  Students who are college bound, who are in pre-professional tracts or who are Science Olympiads will find the conference to be especially significant.  Many teachers bring Honors and Gifted and Talented junior high school students.  Every presentation begins with a review of the ‘basics’ so younger students need not worry about being lost all day.

School administrators recognize the day as an educational field trip or a career opportunity day.  Students have a unique chance to hear one of the top educators in the country present the most recent genetic information.  These conferences attract the most motivated students, and many of those students attend the conference in successive years because the topics change from year to year.

Topics for Sam Rhine’s Nationwide Genetic Update Conferences  –  2013-14:

 I.  The State of the Human Genome…..the Function of our 3,000,000,000 nucleotides

A.  Coding and Non-Coding DNAs  /  ~31,000 Coding and Non-Coding Genes

B.  Genes in the Junk:  miRNAs,  lncRNAs  plus  2,890,000 newly found docking sites  

C.  Gene Control – quick overview:  Transcription Factors,  miRNAs  and  Epigenetics

D.  Turning off a chromosome…..X-Inactivation  /  Turning off the extra #21 in Down Syndrome!

   I I.  Telomeres…..those Facinating tips on all of our Chromosomes

A.  Telomeres in  Normal Mitosis,  Aging,  Stem Cells and Cancer

B.  Could Telomere Control lead to Human Biologic Immortality?

I I I.   Recent Advances in Prenatal Screening 

A.  Non-Invasive Full Genome Prenatal Screening is here!

B.  Would you and your spouse want to know? 

I V.  Human Cloning and Stem Cell Technologies Update

A.  Human Therapeutic Cloning via Nuclear Transfer  –  first documented success in June 2013

B.  Utilization of Stem Cells for cell replacement therapy, disease modeling, therapy screening therapies for Blindness, Multiple Sclerosis, Huntington Dx, Parkinson Dx, Lou Gerhig’s Dx  et al  

C.  Making mammalian brain components from stem cells in a petri dish.

For conference details and pre-registration – 

GO TO:  click on ‘Schedule’ 

$20.00 (US Dollars) per person – students & teachers
This includes two-page outline covering the topics of the day.

Payment Information:

  • Payment is due on the day of the program.
  • Payment may be made by cash or check.
  • Individual personal checks are accepted and should be made out to “Sam Rhine”.
  • Teacher-in-charge should collect all fees due from his/her group and present the total at registration on the date of the conference.
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