Have You Received Your Reminder?

OSTA has been utilizing Memberclicks, it’s members-only web portal, for about a year to handle a variety of essential member services. Through Memberclicks, we handle conference and event registrations, submit conference presentation proposals, make nominations for offices and awards and process membership transactions. Memberclicks also has a nifty member forum, which can be utilized to discuss issues on any number of topics and share opinions and observations.

One great Memberclicks feature is the ability of OSTA members to access their membership records at any time to update their member profile.  This is an important feature in that members can update their contact information at any time as they change their email address or their place of employment or go from being a student member to a member of the teaching profession. Members can also check their profile to see what events or conferences they have attended and their payment records for membership and events.

These Memberclicks features have greatly streamlined the maintenance of membership records.  It has allowed OSTA to move to a membership cycle based upon anniversary date rather that calendar year.  Memberclicks also has a feature to remind folks of their impending renewal anniversary date 30 days, 2 weeks, and 3 days before  it occurs.  There is even a lapsed member message that will be sent if that should occur.  We still have a significant portion of our membership on the old calendar year membership cycle and their membership are expiring in about a week.  Have you received your expiring membership notice?  If not, it could be that you joined OSTA a year or two ago as a student member and that @okstate.edu or @uco.edu email address is not following you like it was.  Or you could have changed school systems and didn’t know you could change your profile.  If this is the case, please click the Join OSTA! link to the left of this article and join today.  If you have received your renewal reminder, please respond ASAP.

OSTA  events require membership to attended.  Some upcoming events, like the LEEDS Conference on Engineering Design, are free, but only if you are an OSTA member.

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