Free Teaching Resources on Climate and Energy


New Searchable, Free Teaching Resources on Climate and Energy by CLEAN

Grades 6-16

Do you need resources to help your middle school or high school students become literate in topics around climate and energy? CLEAN is a clearinghouse of online learning activities, videos and graphics on climate and energy.

The CLEAN collection offers the following resources and support:

1. The CLEAN search engine directs you to online activities, videos, and visualizations on climate and energy that are searchable by grade level, topic, and resource type. Over 15,000 resources have been reviewed by scientists and educators for accuracy and classroom effectiveness, and ~580 passed review.  The panels’ reviews provide extra insight and guidance on using these materials.

2. The CLEAN guidance on teaching climate and energy science uses a set of essential principles to frame the science and inform teaching strategies. Learn more about these scientific principles, why they are important and challenging to teach, strategies for teaching age groups, and get directed to relevant activities, videos, and visualizations for each principle.

3. Join the vibrant CLEAN Network with updates on educational policies and science, discussions with experts, conference & workshop announcements, and weekly telecons (Tuesdays at 1 pm ET).  Join the CLEAN Network and its email list by contacting Tamara_Ledley at

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