March Instructional TV Schedule from OSDE

The Oklahoma Department of Education provides funding for two hours of Instructional Television (ITV) programs to be broadcast each day during the school year.  The programs are broadcast on OETA, 10:00 a.m. ‑ 12:00 noon on school days.  Check with your local cable company for information about receiving these programs in your area.

You are welcome to record these programs to use in the classroom for a year or until the broadcast rights are canceled. Programs are selected to help meet “PASS” objectives. 

The following programs are scheduled in March.

Science for Elementary:  March 2‑3

Science for Middle School 2:  March 3‑13, 23

Cell Biology:  March 27

The ITV schedule is available at here.  Simply follow the link to ”Instructional TV.”  From there, you can view the monthly calendar of programs or a list of the series titles, along with subject areas and suggested grade levels. 

Video on Request is scheduled one day each month.  This time slot is reserved for unscheduled programming, special events, and program repeats. If any teacher needs another opportunity to view or record a particular program, contact the Library Media Section at the Oklahoma State Department of Education for scheduling during this monthly two hour block of time.  Requests will be filled on a first‑come, first‑served basis. 

For additional information, call the Library Media/ITV Section of the Oklahoma State Department of Education at (405) 521‑2956 or send an e‑mail to  Elaine Regier or Vickie Hale

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