2012 Presidential Award Announced (finally)

After a too-long wait, Annette Huet has finally received word that she is Oklahoma’s recipient of the 2012 Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching.  Annette teaches 4th grade at Kelley Elementary in the Moore Public Schools District.  She has been an professional educator since 1990.

I have the privilege of working with Annette for several years as she is sits on the Board of Directors of the Oklahoma Science Teachers Association as the  Elementary Division Director.  She is a dedicated professional who is knowledgable  about wall things related to the teaching of science in elementary school settings and astute to the issues and needs that affect our profession.  She has this special insight, I think, because she works at it.  She joins the professional associations, she reads the journals, she enrolls in the classes and attends the workshops.  She is an accomplished practitioner who is future-focused, that is to say, she is driven to improve her knowledge  and understanding of what make for quality science education practice and is actively engaged in working to that end.

These attributes are what make Annette a special science educator and hence the earning of and recognition from the Presidential Award.  The Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) are the nation’s highest honors for teachers of mathematics and science (including computer science). Awardees serve as models for their colleagues, inspiration to their communities, and leaders in the improvement of mathematics and science education. Since 1983, more than 4,200 teachers have been recognized for their contributions in the classroom and to their profession and I’d venture to guess that the vast majority of them are characterized by the same drive for excellent classroom practice and continuing self-improvement as Annette.

Bryan Painter at the Daily Oklahoman wrote an excellent article about Annette in last Sunday’s edition that you should read.


Annette will formally receive her award and recognition in Washington, DC during festivities the week of March 2-5 that honor both the awardees and the teaching profession.

Elementary and Secondary math and science teachers are honored on alternate years.  The 2013 Secondary awardees have yet to be named and NSF is taking nominations now for the 2014 awards for elementary teachers.  Go to https://www.paemst.org to nominate an outstanding Oklahoma math or science teacher who teaches in a K-6 setting.  You don’t have too wait to be nomination, you can apply directly on the site as well.  The Presidential Award is managed locally through the Oklahoma State Department of Education.

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